Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hi folks there in the world of Latin.  Thoughts for you today:  If you have just begun to use "Olim, Once Upon a Time in Latin", no matter which volume you choose, here are some ideas for you.

Before you start the reader with you child, look over the material.  It might be good for you to read both the English and the Latin of one of the stories.  There is a pronunciation guide in the front of each reader.  That is just a help to you.  Keep in mind though that there isn't anyone alive who uses Latin as his/her true language.  (It is used in some churches but I'm talking real language here.)

So, now you've read it over and you are ready to begin.  Don't be afraid!  It really won't bite you.  Have some fun with it.  But go slow.  Remember the old joke "How do you eat an elephant?"  Answer:  "One bite at a time!"  So do just that - take one bite at a time - one little bite at a time.  That way, neither you nor your little one will get burned out.  If you have fun with it - You are likely to find your student asking for more.  Mine do!!

Guess that's it for tonight.  Press on and have a good night.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Well, I guess you can see that we are new at this blog thing.  It is exciting and scary all at the same time.
When I was in high school and taking Latin, we learned a poem about Latin.  I am not sure if my Latin instructor approved but we thought it was great.  I love teaching my Latin students the poem.  Though or maybe because Latin is hard to learn, I try to lighten things up with funny stories and little memory skills to help the students.  So here goes - prepare thyself:
"Latin is a dead language,
As dead as it can be,
First it killed the Romans,
And now it's killing me."

Enjoy your day.  Keep me "posted" on what you are doing in Latin for your kids.  I'll do my best to blog along with you.  Ta ta for now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


We are glad  you have found us.   Come here for suggestions and ideas how to use "Olim, Once Upon a Time in Latin"!  Also - Ask away with questions!  I will do whatever I can to help.

Suggestion for today -In whichever reader you have, read the first story in English.  Then read the same story in Latin.  Plan to read it several times.  It will take time for them to grow accustomed to the sounds as you pronounce the Latin words.  Don't worry so much about how you pronounce them (though we have provided you with a pronunciation guide).  Just keep doing it over and over.  At first you might only get through a page or two, that's okay.  Just keep coming back to it.  Remember that the translation for the Latin is right on the same page in the sidebar.

We will be producing pronunciation CDs and we will let you know when they are ready.  For now helping them have fun with the new words will be enough.  Have Fun.  Read with expression!  Remember when your young children were beginning to read (English)?  You told them to "Read with expression!".  Help them by doing the same thing with these fun stories.

Hope you have a great night!